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NPC Task Seller

O NPC Task Seller fica localizado dentro da área donate, esse NPC vende itens exclusivos do server e só negocia com a moeda Task Token. Veja mais abaixo as opções de itens a venda e os seus devidos valores.

(Clique para ampliar)
Item: Description: Tokens:

Addon Doll
When you use the item you receive 1 addon. Ex: !addon mage

15 task tokens
Item: Description: Tokens:

Cave Exclusiva
Use to own a hunt for 3 hours. After level 500 the time is 1 hour and 30 minutes.

350 task tokens
Item: Description: Tokens:

Critical Stone
When you use the item, you receive an increase of 1 critical skill.

25 task tokens
Item: Description: Tokens:

Dodge Stone
When you use the item you receive an increase of 1 dodge skill.

20 task tokens
Item: Description: Tokens:

Double Exp
When you use the item, you get double the experience for 1 hour.

150 task tokens
Item: Description: Tokens:

Double Exp Event
When you use the item, you get double the experience for 15 minutes.

60 task tokens
Item: Description: Tokens:

Skulls Remover
When you use the item, you remove the red skull or the black skull.

20 task tokens
Item: Description: Tokens:

Stamina Potion
When you use the item, you get full stamina.

10 task tokens
Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box
Players Online
Lv: 756, Res: 22
Lv: 599, Res: 12
Lv: 664, Res: 11
Lv: 661, Res: 11
Lv: 607, Res: 11
La Chapizza
