Name: | Cyon | Sex: | male | Profession: | Elder Druid | Level: | 411 | Restores: | 0 | World: | Baiak Ilusion | Residence: | Ilusion City | Marital status: | single | Last login: | 30 September 2024, 3:56 am | Account Status: | Free Account | Inventário: |
The player does not have outfits.
The player does not have mounts.
Barbarian Arena | | Baiak Items | | Critical (Donate Area) | | Dodge (Donate Area) | | Special Items | | Soft Boots | | Trail Amulet | | Exclusive | | Galaxy | | Pits of Inferno | | Regeneration Boots | | 1-Premium Day | | Firewalker Boots | | 15KK | | Weapons Champion | | Addon Doll | | Power Set | | Weak Set | | Costume Bag | | Golden | | Inquisition | | Cursed Skull | | Promotion | | Weapons Blessed | |
Pyre Tasks
Pyre Spectres |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/35000)
Pyre Giant Spiders |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/5000)
Pyre Hydras |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/8000)
Pyre Medusas |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/15000)
Pyre Behemoths |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/6000)
Pyre Serpents Spawn |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/7000)
Pyre Grim Reapers |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/11111)
Pyre Defilers |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/9000)
Pyre Gama Buntas |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/30000)
Pyre Dragons |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/4000)
Pyre Hellfire Fighters |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/20000)
Pyre Wyrms |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/40000)
Pyre Demons |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/66666)
Pyre Nightmares |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/20000)
Pyre Dark Tortures |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/15000)
Pyre Destroyers |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/25000)
Pyre Vampires Brides |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/50000)
Blessed Tasks
Blessed Tasks Completed: 0% |
Asuras |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/60000)
Bashmus |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/36000)
Carnivors |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/40000)
Deathlings |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/55000)
Dreamelves |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/72000)
Forest Monsters |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/110000)
Lost Souls |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/45000)
Underwaters |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/30000)
Goannas |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/42000)
Iksupans |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/50000)
Ingols |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/95000)
Mercurial Menace |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/25000)
Nagas |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/65000)
Savants |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/49000)
Spectres |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/60000)
Wingeds |
Finished: 0x
Kills: (0/35000)
Frags Justified |
Frags Unjustified |
Deaths |
19 Sep 2024, 16:48 |
Died at level 412 by Ghazbaran. |
19 Sep 2024, 16:41 |
Died at level 414 by Morgaroth, champion demon, Demon and by fire elemental. |
19 Sep 2024, 16:37 |
Died at level 416 by champion undead dragon, champion warlock and by stone golem. |
15 Sep 2024, 02:53 |
Died at level 419 by sir morgaroth, crystal spider abomination, abomination giant, dracola of the fiery, chief dark torturer, master chief ferumbras, brutus fire elemental, master fire demodras, chief destroyer, Demon, master diabolic imp, the maximum hand, fire elemental, fire elemental, fire elemental, fire elemental, fire elemental, fire elemental, fire elemental and by Demon. |
15 Sep 2024, 02:19 |
Died at level 420 by the masked marauder. |
14 Sep 2024, 16:16 |
Killed at level 341 by Nofkszgivin and by frost dragon vip. |
14 Sep 2024, 15:28 |
Killed at level 319 by Nofkszgivin. |
EXP Today |
not gain exp (experience total) |
21/01/2025 |
not gain exp (experience total) |
20/01/2025 |
not gain exp (experience total) |
19/01/2025 |
not gain exp (experience total) |
18/01/2025 |
not gain exp (experience total) |
17/01/2025 |
not gain exp (experience total) |
16/01/2025 |
not gain exp (experience total) |
15/01/2025 |
not gain exp (experience total) |
Group: | Player | Created: | 12 September 2024, 3:34 pm |
Outfit | Name | World | Status | | | 1. Cheet | Baiak Ilusion | | | | 2. Cyon | Baiak Ilusion | | | | 3. Upper | Baiak Ilusion | | |