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Welcome to the Lost Account Interface!

If you have lost access to your account, this interface can help you. Of course, you need to prove that your claim to the account is justified. Enter the requested data and follow the instructions carefully. Please understand there is no way to get access to your lost account if the interface cannot help you. Two further options to change account data are available if you have a registered account.

By using the Lost Account Interface you can:

get a new password if you have lost the current password,
receive your account name if you do not know it anymore,
get your account back if it has been hacked,
change the email address of your account instantly (only available to registered accounts),
request a new recovery key (only available to registered accounts).

As a first step to use the Lost Account Interface please enter one of the information below on the lost account and click on "Submit".

Choose one of the options and fill it out.
Character Name:
Account Name:

If you registered multiple accounts with the same email address, this method will allow you to recover only the account names associated with that email. Please note: This method does not recover the password, only the account names linked to the provided email.

Recover Account Name
Email Address:

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